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Why is it bad for your Health to Rely on Birth Control Pills?

Several contraceptives have been introduced over the centuries to avoid unplanned pregnancy and have protective sex. Condoms and birth control pills are widely used methods by people around the world.

While condoms are available for both sexes, birth control pills are available for women only. 

Ever since the introduction of birth control pills, women have used this contraceptive method to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

However, indeed, these pills are not 100% effective. Even if you are using the combined pills carefully and on time, there is still some chance that you may get pregnant after intercourse. 

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Though, the possibility of fertilization is extremely low.  Birth control pills are more effective than any other form of contraception.

In fact, no form of contraception is 100% effective. Even if you have intercourse on your periods, you are still at a minor risk of conceiving. 

Yet, it is a far better choice to use contraceptives to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

Now, since women have been using birth control pills for decades, there have been reports on the health issues a birth pill can lead to.

Birth control pills put a lot of pressure on your health by altering the natural ovulation period. Therefore, it is not a surprise that it can have some adverse effects on your body. 

But, before we get to know what are the side effects of using birth control pills, let us understand the how and why behind it.

How does the birth control pill work?

The pill contains an imitation of female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are naturally present in females and lead to ovulation. 

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In a natural circumstance, if the ovaries have released an egg, and you have sex with contraception, the sperm can fertilize the egg, and you will be pregnant.

When you consume the contraceptive pill, it delays or adjusts the ovulation period. 

Therefore, having sex in this period would not impregnate you. 

When you are taking birth control pills, you are supposed to take them every day at the same time for 21 days.

If you happen to miss any dose of the pill, you will be at risk of getting pregnant. Consult your doctor on further actions if you missed any dose.

After taking the pill regularly for 21 days, you will need to take a break of 7 days.

In these 7 days, you won’t take any pills. This is the time when you let your body have its normal period. 

You will bleed in these 7 days and continue taking the pill after this time.

When you are taking the pill, it will affect your vaginal lining and mucus.

The pill thins the lining in your womb so that the risk of implantation and growth of fertilized eggs will be minimized.

The vaginal mucus becomes thick, and it becomes impossible for the sperms to travel to the egg.

Birth control pills are a wonderful choice for contraception. It does not interrupt sex and makes your menstruation regular and less painful.

These pills surely have some advantages. Not only it reduces cramps and induces light bleeding, but it also prevents the risk of ovaries and womb cancer.

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When should I not take birth control pills?

Birth control pills are not for everyone.

There are certain medical conditions when your doctor will not allow you to take the pill. 

If you have had breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or blood clots, your doctor might advise you against using these pills.

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 If you are 35 or above and smoke, these pills are not for you. 

It is best to consult your doctor before starting the pills. It might be a case that your medical history or present health is unfit for this contraceptive method.

Tell your doctor about your medical history and the present medicine you are taking. Some drug interactions can make the pills ineffective.

You should not take the pills for at least 21 days after delivering a baby and 7 days after a miscarriage or abortion.

Why are these pills bad for your health?

Even though birth control pills are effective, they have side effects as well.

In the beginning, the side effects limit up to nausea, headache, and mood swings.

However, these minor side effects can take up a bad shape and become a serious concern in the far future.

Though there is no proven fact about the matter, it is still believed that the pills can lead to weight gain.

Birth control pills often lead to high blood can even lead to blood clots or blood cancer. 

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These pills do not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, condoms stays the best choice to prevent STDs during sex.

Over a long period of time, it is even possible that these pills will cause you some cardiovascular disease.

Since birth control pills can lead to blood clots, strokes, or heart attack becomes a common threat in this situation.

Another possible danger of using oral contraceptives is that it can lead to cancer. Though birth control pills help in preventing colon, womb, or ovaries cancer, they can still lead to other types of cancer such as blood cancer.

According to some organizations and studies, the pills can also lead to breast cancer or cervical cancer if consumed for a long period of time.

Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor and try to use some other contraceptive methods. 

Birth control pills are a good choice, however,  there is a possible danger as well.

You can just switch to a condom which will also protect you from STDs or some other long-term contraceptive method. 

A vaginal ring, contraceptive patch, surgical sterilization, or intrauterine device can be an ideal choice for long-term contraception.

The bottom line

Birth control pills are an effective contraceptive method. It is far more efficient than any other contraception.

However, consuming the pills over a long period of time can put pressure on health.

Though it rarely happens that a person is diagnosed severely after taking the pills, the chances are not zero.

Therefore, do not rely on pills for a long time.

Further Reading:

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