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8 signs you need to get tested for an STD

Sexually transmitted disease also known as STD or STI which is a medical abbreviation for  Sexually transmitted infection. Very few are aware of diseases or infections that are caused due to sexual transmission. But many, after knowing about this don’t open up because still, there is awkwardness among people, and it is felt that these topics do not require much discussion or awareness. 

There is no worry if one has tested for STD because they can be treated and diagnosed thanks to a doctor. There may be many questions arising in mind as how can it be recognized that you have STD or STI? What are the signs and symptoms which land up to this disease? How can it be treated? 

We will go through each segment and make you understand each term with detailed information. 

What is Sexually transmitted diseases?

A sexually transmitted disease is often contracted through direct sexual contact, which can be in the form of usually vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The bacteria and viruses that are responsible for these various diseases are blood, semen, and bodily fluids that pass from one person to another person.

However, sexual contact is not the only way a person is get tested for a Sexually transmitted disease (STD). But they can also pass through blood transfusions or needles which are reused or with recreational use of the drug.

What is Sexually transmitted diseases

There is a difference between STD and STI, STI occurs at initial stages whereas STD is a disease after getting infections. Due to negligence of infections, there is arrival of Sexually transmitted diseases. 

For example, If a woman has an STD and gives birth to a child, there are chances that the STD can be transmitted to that child on the birth. 

Signs and Symptoms of STDs

A person who is sexually active can acquire a Sexually transmitted disease. The chances of an increase in STDs is noted while using any drug and related substances.

Every year, around 20 million new STD infections are recorded and among them, half of them are the people who are aged between 15 and 24. The common STDs which are discussed include  Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis, and syphilis in pregnancy may lead to congenital syphilis if it is not treated well. 

Symptoms of Chlamydia 

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection of the genitals. It can be difficult to detect because early-stage infections often cause little or no signs and symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of STDs

These include: 

  • Pain in testicular in case of men’s 
  • Pain during  intercourse and during urination in women 
  • Bleeding between menstruation  and Vaginal discharge among women 

Symptom of Gonorrhea

This bacterium may grow in the eyes, mouth, and throat. The symptoms may be noticed within  days,

Symptom of Gonorrhea

which includes:

  • Swollen testicles and pain in bowel movements
  • Itchiness in the anal
  • Discharge from vagina or penis, which can be bloody or cloudy
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation 
  • Burning sensation during urination 


They are a parasitic  STI which can spread through sexual contact. The scabies can be treated with a doctor’s prescription.


The symptoms of scabies may be:

  • Itching or rashes on the body parts such as  elbow, armpit, webbing between fingers, nipple, penis, waist, buttocks, and wrists
  • Pimple-like rashes 
  • Blisters and scales 


It is a bacterial infection that may affect the genitals and skin, also includes the other body parts such as brain and heart. During the initial stage,  only the small sore may appear, but gradually it can increase. The later stage is also known as congenital syphilis, which occurs when a pregnant woman has syphilis.

The signs are as follows:

  • Painless sore on the genital area
  • Fever, fatigue, hair loss
  • Enlarged lymph nodes

Symptoms of genital herpes

This virus enters the body through the breaks in the skin, The viruses are HSV-2 or HHV-2. It can spread through oral contact, as the severity can be reduced but not cured wholly.

The symptoms can be: 

  • Fluid-filled blisters and sores in the genitals, anus or thighs
  • Tingling sensation in the legs


This is a symptom which is caused due to parasitic infection. If this symptom is ignored earlier, then it may have a high chance of spreading and getting STDs.

In case of pregnant women who are suffering from Trichomoniasis, tend to give early birth to a child, which can influence the weight of a child. For women, it may cause vaginitis,

which includes symptoms such as: 

  • Pain in urination
  • Vaginal discharge that can be green or grey in colour
  • In the case of men, they may face symptoms such as; Irritation and itching or discharge from  the penis

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8 signs you need to get tested for an STD

8 signs you need to get tested for an STD

Pain during urination

This is one of the common symptoms of STD, it can be felt like a stinging, or burning sensation while urination. But it is not necessary that the pain can be a sign of an STD, but it can also be an infection caused due to yeast or other bacteria.  But timely treatment can help to reduce the worsening conditions. 

Discomfortness during sexual contact

If one feels uncomfortable while having sex, it may mean that you may be suffering from some signs and symptoms of STD which include, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia. Consulting the gynecologist is advised so that further diagnosis can be taken. 

Itching in vagina

Itchiness and irritation in the vagina is normal if it is occasionally, but if the conditions are worsening day by day and are not manageable, then it can be a sign that you need to test for STD.  Because it is a symptom which is considered common. 

Vaginal discharge 

The colour of vaginal discharge is different from a normal discharge, it may be green or can be smelly which stinks and the conditions may be of bacterial vaginosis,  chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. These changes are not the ones to be neglected, so get it checked by the doctor. 

Lesions on the vagina 

Lesions can be in the form of genital warts, herpes, HPV or syphilis. One other common but also a serious  sign of STD is ulcers, bumps with fluid content which needs to be considered as important as any other signs.  

Lymph nodes and glands gets enlarged

Lymph nodes are the key factors which are responsible for infection in general within the body. Syphilis, herpes, LGV, or trichomoniasis arises due to enlargement of lymph nodes or glands. This can be a sign of the possibility of the arrival of STD.

Pain in the abdomen 

Pain during menstruation is common for women which are also manageable without any complications. If the pain is  severe in the abdominal portion, it can also be a sign of STD. The STDS such as Gonorrhea, LGV, and trichomoniasis can cause this pain. This abdominal pain can also be a symptom of Pelvic inflammatory disease. So it is necessary to get a diagnosis and further treatment from a doctor.


STD-related rashes start as small, red bumps that gradually grow, blister, or burst, increasing in size and discomfort. They look like red, large ulcers and can also appear on the arms and legs.

Sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, and HIV can cause various types of rashes in the vagina and throughout the body. These vaginal rashes may appear as itchy bumps, warts, or open sores.

The signs and symptoms are to recognize whether you have STD, but it does not determine any shamefulness. Some STDs can have symptoms, while others can be asymptomatic. But try to consider them at initial stages so that it will not affect at further stages.

The treatment of sexually transmitted diseases can be prescribed by the doctor. There are antibiotics and antiviral medications which can be beneficial, but it should be noted that antibiotics can treat bacterial infections such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea and antiviral medication can not wholly treat the infection caused by viruses, but it can surely help in keeping a control on the signs of STDs. 

On the other hand, to treat Syphilis, penicillin is a prescribed method of diagnosis. 

Sexually transmitted diseases or Sexually transmitted infections are common but people are still lacking in awareness and in realising the fact that visiting the doctor is not a shameful thing but a wise decision to prevent from sexually transmitted infections or diseases. 

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