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Caffeine Side Effects: Advantages and Disadvantages

The world doesn’t want to see the morning without a cup of coffee or tea. Adults find it impossible to leave the bed and start the day without either. It is also impossible to ignore the side effects of caffeine.

Workaholics peculiarly survive on the coffee machine and its product.

We have become so addicted to caffeine that we have surrendered our body to this stimulant completely.

And is it good or bad?

With 80% of the world population depending on caffeine to carry out the day, it becomes a question of concern.

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It alerts the mind and keeps it wide awake.

It is found in parts of Africa, East Asia and South America, in seeds, fruits, leaves, or nuts.

In the human body, adenosine is responsible for making people drowsy or fatigued. Caffeine, being a stimulant, blocks the action of adenosine and makes us feel refreshed.

This is why working-class loves to take coffee break during their extreme work sessions.

One can consume caffeine in multiple forms. However, people adore the sparkling drinks, coffee, tea, chocolates, and sodas above any other source of caffeine.

In fact, tea, a caffeinated beverage, is the world’s second most consumed beverage.

Now you can just figure out how much we love caffeine.

Caffeine usually has an astringent taste. It is a brisk product that helps to curb fatigue and drowsiness.

Advantages of consuming caffeine:

For Cognitive function

Since caffeine blocks the action of the neurotransmitter adenosine, the amount of other neurotransmitter like dopamine increases.

Caffeine for Cognitive function

This makes a person feel more alert, conscious, concentrated. It even improves the memory, energy level and reaction time.

For Weight loss

Caffeine suppresses the desire to eat. Which means after taking caffeine, you will less likely want to consume any other thing.

Caffeine For Weight loss

Therefore, ultimately, you will not gain weight any further.

Another reason that caffeine can help you lose weight is because it has stimulating thermogenesis. This helps the body to generate more energy and heat from the digested food.

For Liver

Caffeine has proved to be beneficial for liver’s health. Caffeine contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

This can help to detoxify the liver.

Caffeine for liver

After research conducted on 43,000 people, it was concluded that drinking two cups of coffee a day can lower the risk of liver cirrhosis by 44%.

Caffeine is also good for the colon. It can help to prepare the colon to go through an endoscopy.

Though there is less evidence on hand, caffeine can apparently help people with hepatocellular cancer to gain benefits from its antioxidant properties.

For Alzheimer’s disease

A 2010 Pub Med research report suggests that long-term consumption of coffee can help to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases.

Caffeine for Alzheimer's disease

Though, if a person is already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, caffeine consumption may worsen it.

Therefore, be skeptical about how you use caffeine as a medical treatment. It is advised to consult the doctor before using it as medicine at all.

For Diabetes

There have been some interesting research conduct and results are even more interesting, suggesting that caffeine intake can reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Caffeine for diabetes

A 2014 Pub Med report said that people who were consuming 2 cups of coffee every day were at 1% lower risk of being diagnosed with diabetes type-2.

This change in the amount of caffeine intake was observed for 4 years.

People who did not switch to two cups of coffee per day were at 17% higher risk of developing the disease.

However, the study also says that this works different for each individual.

This study was conducted on people who were not already diagnosed with diabetes. Therefore, if you are already having the disease, the case may be different for you.

Against Skin cancer

Caffeine consumption can lower the risk of skin cancer.

Caffeine for skin cancer

Applying caffeine on skin protects it from the harmful UV rays. However, this report is based on an experiment conducted on mice.

Caffeine Side Effects

Psychological Caffeine Side Effects: Depression

Because of the development in science and research field, caffeine has been praised for numerous health benefits.

Psychological Caffeine Side Effects Depression

However, it has equal disadvantages on health as well. And one of the most threatened side effects of caffeine consumption is depression.

Caffeine makes a person feel jittery. It increases blood pressure and the person can experience the trigger of anxiety or depression.

If consumed for long, it can worsen the effects of depression. People use caffeine to chase away fatigue and depression. However, by this, they also put a lot of pressure on the body.

Caffeine abuse can tire the mind and make a person feel strained and stressed.

Also Read: 10 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Physical Caffeine Side Effects: Headache

Since you are keeping yourself wide awake and forcing your body to work out of its normal function, it will definitely cost you something.

Physical Caffeine Side Effects Headache

And headache is one such price you pay for the brisk effect of caffeine.


Caffeine can lead to insomnia. It is important that you should understand not to take caffeine near the bedtime.

caffeine side effects insomnia

Otherwise, you will worsen your insomnia.

Biological Caffeine Side Effects: Menopause

Doctors advise not to consume caffeine during menopause. Menopause is a time when your body is already going through changes and the symptoms can be unpleasant.

Biological Caffeine Side Effects, Menopause

At times like this, if you take food that triggers your system, it will worsen the symptoms of menopause.

Consuming caffeine during menopause can lead to increase in night sweat and hot flashes.


According to a report, if a woman is drinking large amount of coffee, that is more than 2 or 3 cups a day, it can affect fertility in them.

Caffeine and fertility

Caffeine Side Effects: The bottom line

Caffeine is a common ingredient around the world. People consume it daily and in a number of possible ways.

This can have a good as well as a bad impact on the health.

It can chase away the drowsiness and even improve cognitive function but on the other hand, it can also worsen depressive episode and cause headaches and insomnia.

Therefore, you should keep in mind not to exert too much caffeine pressure into your system, but maintain a balance.

Further Reading:

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