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5 Herbal Spices from the Kitchen that Fights Acne

One of the most common skin problems we see is acne. So, why not knowing about some herbal spices from the kitchen that fights acne?

Acne is a common skin problem for almost all skin types. They are not only annoying but also inevitable when we need to look good. But the solutions for this problem gets heavily affected according to the type of the skin.

Are using some OTC remedies, antibiotics, or benzoyl peroxide for the same with no results? Is all this worth the sacrifice of your skin’s health and the money you spend? It’s time to then rethink your approach. Why not trying something natural and homemade and see how it works?

As we have seen and heard, nature heals everything. So, here are some basic and effective ingredients that can help you fight and prevent acne. As they are natural, there is little to no chance of any side effect if you are not specifically allergic.

In this Crumb, we will go through 5 Herbal Spices from the Kitchen that Fights Acne. So let us dive into the list and see how these herbal spices fight acne.

1. Turmeric:

Everyone is aware of turmeric’s uses and benefits in our daily lives. Either you have a cold or a minor cut, turmeric is there to take care of things. And here it comes to rescue us from acne problems!

Except for acne during teenage due to hormonal activities, other reasons cause acne. Acne pops up when the inflammation level in our body is high.

Now turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties to counter them. In addition to that, turmeric possesses anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties that help in preventing acne.

The anti-bacterial property of turmeric allows it to fight acne-causing bacteria and win over them. If applied well, its wound healing properties will help to reduce the redness and swelling of acne.

Turmeric also has scar-lightening properties. Not only it lightens the previous acne scars but also prevents acne to leave any scar on your skin.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Turmeric stains everything in its contact if applied directly. And your skin won’t be an exception to it. So apply it along with a base like honey, curd, or avocado.

Make sure you are mixing turmeric well with the base before applying to avoid stains.

Other Ways to Use:

Except for applying directly to your skin, there are other ways to use turmeric and fight acne. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, you can intake it to have similar results.

You can mix about one-fourth tablespoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water and drink it. It will reduce the overall inflammation in your body and lower the chances of acne.

Also Read: 7 Herbs and Spices That Can Save Your Skin

2. Neem:

Neem is well known for making things cool. Following Ayurveda, we can see that neem is mostly used to calm the heat. And we know that acne is a result of access heat and inflammation in the body.

So applying neem packs will definitely make your skin acne-free and boost the immunity of your skin.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Although neem has numerous uses from treating wounds to disinfectants, it is not the best choice for all skin types.

Keep in mind to always have some base with neem if you are directly applying it to your skin. Moreover, it is best suited for dry skin prone to acne.

Other Ways to Use:

Rather than using them as a homemade mask, use neem in the form of oils. You can easily find neem oil or neem extracts in several products.

3. Cinnamon:

This hot spice contains everything you need to win against acne. The anti-inflammatory property reduces the chance of acne on your face. While the anti-bacterial property makes sure there are no acne-causing bacteria left on your skin.

Cinnamon also has antioxidant property that protects your skin from aggressors in the environment. Additionally, it helps in the hormonal balance of the body.

All these properties make cinnamon acne fighters and skin health promoters.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Those who can cook, unlike me, will know that cinnamon is a strong spice. So, it is not a good idea to apply it to your skin directly, without a base.

Make sure to have a creamy base mixed well with cinnamon powder before applying it to your skin. You can either mix it with milk or honey.

In my opinion, honey is a better alternative. Honey will heal the skin and moisturize it well while cinnamon fights acne.

Other Ways to Use:

Those who are fond of caffeine and tea, you guys can fight acne while enjoying your beverage. Let us find out how.

All you have to do is add a pinch of cinnamon powder to it. It will help to lower the inflammation inside you by lowering blood sugar. Eventually, countering the probability of acne.

4. Basil:

I bet you have used astringent for acne on your skin. Here is a far better alternative. Basil leaves works as an astringent, a natural and stronger one.

It works like pulling out all the impurities from your skin, maintaining the oil production, and reducing inflammation. Basil also reduces the swelling caused by acne.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Although there is no such restriction to use basil, don’t go overboard while using them. There is nothing good at using more than the need, right?

However, you will see better results if you add some rosewater or lemon juice to the paste of basil leaves before applying.

Other Ways to Use:

The best way to use basil to fight acne is to apply a mask to your face. Just make a paste of some basil leaves by grinding them and smear it on your face.

You can also add it to your cup of tea which will help in internal cooling. Thus, preventing acne or inflammation.

5. Nutmeg:

Nutmeg is the best choice for those who have oily skin and prone to clogged pores. The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of nutmeg work wonder in controlling the formation of acne-causing sebum. Among all the herbal spices from the kitchen that fights acne, it is the most suited to all skin types.

While fighting acne and checking on the bacteria causing it, nutmeg makes sure it reduces the swelling or redness. Nutmeg also helps to even up the skin tones. And like turmeric, nutmeg also improves scars.

These makes nutmeg an all-rounder treatment ingredient for several skin problems. What are you waiting for? Go check if you still have some nutmeg seeds or not.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Overall, nutmeg has no side effects on any kind of skin type as such. But it is better to be cautious while using it for the first time.

You can either do a small patch behind your ear or along your jawline. The patch test will help you understand that the tingling you feel is not dangerous.

But if you are planning to apply it directly as a mask, don’t make a thick layer. Use a thin layer of the mixture on your face, or you might experience some redness on your face.

Other Ways to Use:

While DIY masks are the best way to use and unravel the work of nutmeg, we have other options as well.

If you are an Ayurveda user and prefer using natural skincare products, then make sure that your daily cream contains nutmeg. Serums containing nutmeg essentials can be used every day too.

Also Read: 5 Simple Ways to Detoxify Your Body at Home


After going through all the benefits of using these herbal spices from the kitchen that fights acne, I doubt the odds of you not trying. The best thing about these ingredients is that they are easily available around us.

Besides being natural with no side effects, these herbs save you from having a dent in your savings spent on acne treatment. So, get on your feet, walk to your kitchen and start picking up the stuff.

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