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Are You Suffering From Migraine Hangovers?

Migraine hangovers are a real phenomenon that some people experience after a migraine. They can feel like they have the flu and may have trouble sleeping. There is not a lot of information out there on this topic, so we wanted to provide you with some tips on how to deal with a migraine hangover.

First, know that this is a real phenomenon and not just a headache. Some people experience symptoms like fever, nausea, and difficulty sleeping after a migraine.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, make sure to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They can help you determine if you have a migraine hangover and provide you with the appropriate treatments.

Here in the article, we will discuss symptoms, causes of migraine hangovers, and treatment of migraine hangover. These medications can help relieve your pain and make it easier to sleep.

About Migraine Hangovers

Migraines are a debilitating neurological disorder that can cause severe headaches. The headaches are usually preceded by an aura, which is a pre-migraine warning sign that may include changes in vision, light sensitivity, or numbness.

When migraines attack, they can be so severe that people end up feeling nauseous and vomiting. This is known as a migraine hangover, and it’s one of the most common side effects of migraines.

A migraine hangover typically lasts for about 12 hours and is characterized by fatigue, headache, nausea, and vomiting. It’s also common for people to feel irritable and have a decreased appetite.

Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to minimize the chances of experiencing migraine hangovers.

First, make sure to avoid foods and drinks that trigger migraines. Second, try to avoid taking over-the-counter drugs that may worsen your headache symptoms. Third, bed rest may help to reduce the severity of your headache and improve your overall mood state.

And finally, if all else fails, and you end up experiencing migraine hangovers, drink lots of fluids and seek medical attention, if you experience any of the mentioned symptoms during or after a migraine.

Symptoms of Migraine Hangovers

There are a few symptoms of migraine hangovers, but they all boil down to one thing: dehydration.

When you drink alcohol and have a migraine, the combination can cause your body to lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes. This can lead to headaches, nausea, and an overall feeling of misery. In extreme cases, it can also lead to seizures or even death.

If you experience any of these symptoms after drinking, make sure to drink plenty of water and electrolytes to replenish your system and get relief from your headache.

Other common symptoms of a migraine hangover include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Reduced blood flow to the brain
  • Loss of Consciousness

Causes of Migraine Hangovers

The following are some causes of migraine hangovers.

1. Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol can worsen the symptoms of a migraine, leading to a headache, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, alcohol can deplete blood levels of magnesium, which is known to help reduce the severity of migraines.

2. Food Allergies: Some food allergies can lead to migraines and subsequent hangovers. Foods that commonly cause migraines include dairy products, gluten grains, and fruit. If you’re experiencing a migraine after eating certain food, it might be best to avoid that food altogether to avoid a headache and subsequent hangover.

3. Medications: Many medications can also worsen the symptoms of a migraine and lead to a headache and subsequent hangover. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. Talk to your doctor about any medications you’re taking before drinking alcohol or consuming foods that may trigger your migraines.

4. Sleep Deprivation: People who chronically lack sleep are more likely to experience a headache and subsequent hangover after drinking. This is because alcohol can impair your ability to sleep soundly. If you tend to experience migraines after a sleepless night, make sure to get enough sleep each night and try to limit alcohol consumption in the days leading up to your migraine.

5. Genetics: Some people are more likely to experience a headache and subsequent hangover after drinking than others. This is due to the fact that some people’s bodies metabolize alcohol differently and can experience more severe effects from alcohol. If you’re prone to migraines and experience a headache after drinking, it might be best to avoid alcohol altogether or limit your intake to lower doses.

6. Headache Medications: Some headache medications, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol), can also lead to a headache and subsequent hangover. If you’re taking a headache medication and experience a migraine after drinking, it might be best to talk to your doctor about switching to a different medication that doesn’t have this effect.

7. Sensitivity to Alcohol: Some people are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol than others. This means that they experience more severe symptoms from drinking alcohol, such as a headache and subsequent hangover. If you’re experiencing a headache after drinking, it might be best to avoid alcohol altogether or limit your intake to lower doses.

8. Some Headaches Are More Severe Than Others: Some headaches are more severe than others and can lead to a headache and subsequent hangover even after drinking moderately. If you’re experiencing a particularly severe headache, it might be best to avoid drinking alcohol altogether or limit your intake to lower doses.

Treatment and Home Remedies

Are you suffering from migraine hangovers? If so, you may be wondering what to do to get relief.

Here are some tips to help you get through your migraines and avoid headaches the next time you have one.

  1. If possible, try to avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before your migraine hangovers hits. These substances can add to your pain and make it harder to recover.
  2. If you do drink alcohol or caffeine, try limiting yourself to small amounts. This will help keep your blood sugar level stable and prevent migraine hangovers from developing.
  3. Try taking pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin before your migraine hangovers gets too bad. These medications can help reduce the pain and inflammation that is often associated with migraines.
  4. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep during these times. When you are not getting enough sleep, you may have more trouble recovering from migraine hangovers.
  5. Finally, if all else fails, see a doctor for treatment. Treatment options for migraines vary depending on the severity of the symptoms, but most involve medication and/or therapy. If you are struggling with migraine hangovers, these tips may help you get through the pain. Remember to always consult your doctor if the symptoms continue for more than a few days or if they become severe.

If you are having a migraine and are struggling to get relief, consider seeking out medical help. Your doctor may be able to prescribe you medication or recommend other treatments such as therapy.

If you are looking for home remedies to help you get through a migraine hangover, here are a few that may work for you: 

  1. Try drinking plenty of fluids. This will help flush out your system and reduce the level of headache pain that you experience.
  2. Eat light and simple meals. Foods that are high in sugar or calories can make your headache worse. Try eating foods like fruit, yogurt, or toast instead.
  3. Get some sleep. When you can get enough sleep, your body will better able to heal from the effects of migraine hangovers.
  4. Take moderate doses of over-the-counter painkillers if needed. These medications can relieve some pain and inflammation associated with migraines. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully to avoid side effects.
  5. Use hot showers or baths. This can help to relax your body and reduce the pain from migraine hangovers.
  6. Try to avoid caffeine. Caffeine can increase your headache symptoms and make it harder to sleep.

If you are struggling with migraine hangovers, it may be helpful to seek out medical help. Your doctor may be able to prescribe you medication or recommend other treatments such as therapy.


If you’re suffering from migraine hangovers, there are a few things you can do to help. First and foremost, make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Secondly, try taking ibuprofen or other painkillers before bed to relieve any inflammation that may be causing your headache. And finally, make sure to eat something light and healthy before going to bed so that you don’t give your body too much work to do the next day. If these tips don’t work for you, then speak with your doctor about possible treatment options.

If you are experiencing migraine hangovers and are looking for more information, consider consulting a physician. They can help you understand the symptoms, diagnose the problem, and provide you with the best possible treatment.

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