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How eating habits affect your skin?

The problems of skin we face are many which can be due to many factors such as food, age, the regime we follow, the pollution, etc. but among all the most important factor which influences our skin is the food we consume.

There are many food items which we are unaware of and eat daily that in turn influence our skin. Many are conscious about their skincare routine and try to follow them. 

Skin is an indispensable sensory organ among all because the skin is the only covering layer which protects our body in every possible way. The skin should get enough moisture to carry out the functions smoothly.

Diet plays a significant role in maintaining our skin, the intake of food items should be as per the requirement and not more than needed as that will affect our skin.

So let’s see how skin and our diet are related to each other, the foods to be avoided and consumed for good skin, and many more things below. 

How does a poor diet impact your skin?

A healthy diet has a very positive impact on our skin, it improves blood circulation, increases elasticity, boosts the appearance of skin, But the incorrect diet will negatively impact the skin tone, appearance, the adaptability.

How does a poor diet impact your skin

A diet high in sugar and processed foods can lead to inflammation, acne, and premature skin aging. Protecting yourself from external pollutants and chemicals can be challenging, but the food you eat every day is far more important.

People who have habits of eating oily foods regularly often discover affect like wrinkles, acne, and a variety of your other skin problems. Eating healthy food affects the body from the inside out. Not only can you have healthy, revitalized, but also smooth, glowing skin.

Affects moisture level of the skin

When you drink plenty of water it helps in giving moisture to the skin, but the moisture gets lost while sweating and during natural processes. To provide proper moisture to the skin, it is mandatory to drink enough water daily, which will help you in protecting and preventing from affecting.

Affects wrinkle

The oils and fats are present in fish, nuts, olive oil, and many more foods. When you consume these oily foods regularly, along with healthy proteins, it will improve the production of collagen in your skin.

So, When you consume specific foods which are built with healthy oils and omega3 fatty acids, that can harm the health of the skin. By increasing your skin’s collagen production, your skin will be smoother, which will help in the prevention of premature wrinkles and sagging of the skin.  

Affects blemish

Acne is a great concern of dermatologists, and it does not define clearly as to what foods may or may not impact, and the acne are produced.

Therefore,  it is recommended to keep a control on sugary and fatty foods and drinks, which are responsible for increasing acne.

How does diet affect acne?

It is believed that acne is caused by a combination of factors such as excess sebum, clogged skin pores, bacteria, and inflammation on the skin. Some medications can cause acne, especially steroids and lithium and hair products, makeup, and other products applied to the skin can cause clogged pores. Genetic factors, environmental pollution, smoking, and stress are also suggested as causes or contributing factors for acne. 

Foods that cause acne: Fatty foods which include milk and meat,  foods high in fat and sugar, sweet foods, and beverages.

How does diet affect acne

Acne most commonly is present on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest. This is the part of the body that produces the most sebum. Because of hormonal fluctuations in women before menstruation and during pregnancy, women are more likely to develop acne than men.

However, people of all genders and ages can get acne, which also includes small babies. So, it can be said that acne can be caused by different factors, one of which is food.

And to prevent acne from happening, the factor which is under our control is food. So, the foods which are beneficial to the skin should be taken according to the age and the other factors.

Here is the classification of food items which should be avoided and consumed. 

Also Read: 5 Herbal Spices from the Kitchen that Fights Acne

Foods to avoid for healthy skin

Foods to avoid for healthy skin


Consumption of alcohol needs to be restricted to a certain level as it can cause some effects which will make the skin unhealthy. During the intake of alcohol, your body produces heat and can affect the skin. 

Fried food items

Anything which is deep-fried or has a large content of oil will have excess oil production on the skin too. The oily foods which are delicious and tasty those eating habits affect the skin which can be in the form of pimples or acne. 


Cheesy pizza or sandwiches are the most preferred food items but do you know how it will impact the skin?

So, when you have a large amount of cheese in the food, it will impact the skin by producing blackheads or blemishes. So next time when you want to have food which is loaded with cheese, then think of the skin too. 

Caffeine food products

When you have coffee in proportion, it works as an antioxidant but when you take it more than the requirement, it will also impact the skin by causing premature ageing, dehydration, reduction in elasticity. Try to have the caffeine consumption in limits because the excess can be harmful. 


Gluten is present in breads, pizzas, pasta which seem to be food which anyone can have at any time. But gluten intake may lead to bloating, pigmentation, uneven tone of skin and age spots. So cut out the consumption of food which has gluten. 


Whey proteins, Dairy products, and some fruit juices which may cause high glycaemic effects, so it should also be avoided to maintain a healthy skin. 

Foods for good skin

Foods for good skin

  • Plant-based food can help in providing sources such as omega-3. So try consuming soy food and soy bean oil, walnuts, canola oil, chia seeds, and flaxseed oil to have a good skin.
  • Fish category which includes salmon, lake trout, tuna, mackerel. 
  • Antioxidant food such as tomatoes can help in maintaining the skin by keeping it smooth. Vitamin-rich foods such as broccoli, strawberries, bell peppers, kiwi, citrus are best sources of vitamin C and E that helps in the prevention of wrinkles. Furthermore, sunflower seeds and almonds are great sources of vitamin E.
  • Polyphenols are also a type of antioxidant which includes chocolates, grapes, and coffee but in some limit, so these foods should be included for getting healthy skin. 

The food which can be consumed and the ones which have to be avoided are considered above, but not only food but there are certain things which are much vital as food. So implementing them is also much required if you want to have healthy skin.

Follow these few tips apart from food, which can help to get healthy skin.

  • Take a good sleep
  • Drink water in a large amount 
  • Wash your face regularly to keep the skin away from germs
  • Take a healthy diet
  • Smoking should be avoided

One should follow the proper routine of food and maintain some tips. It is said that only one factor is not responsible, but many are affecting the skin. So, likewise, there are tips and also food items which can help in keeping the skin healthy.

So follow what is suitable to you and if you are not sure about the food items to be avoided then it is advised to consult a dermatologist so that they may give you guidance which is needed according to your body. Poor diet is capable of affecting your skin, but you can take measures to maintain your skin. 

Further Reading:

How to Build a Skin Care Routine

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