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The Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga is a great way to work out and relax your body, but for beginners, it can be tough to find the right poses. In this article, we’ll show you the best beginners morning yoga poses for beginners, based on tips from certified yoga instructor and founder of True Health Yoga, Melissa Hartwig.

If you’re new to yoga, or if you’ve been practicing for a while and want to find beginner morning yoga poses to add to your routine, these five beginner yoga poses are ideal.

The Five Best Beginners Morning Yoga Poses

If you’re new to yoga, or just starting out, these beginner’s morning yoga poses are perfect for you. They’re gentle and comfortable, so you can start your day off right!

If you’re new to morning yoga, these five poses are a great place to start. Each is designed to wake up your body and mind, and prepare you for the day ahead. These poses are gentle and will help to wake you up, invigorate your body, and improve your circulation.

1. Camel pose: Camel pose is a great beginners morning yoga pose because it’s easy to do, as well as relaxing and strengthening.

  • From tabletop position, slowly fold forward from waist, drawing navel in toward the spine.
  • Rest palms on floor beside hips.
  • Keep spine long and neutral; don’t arch back or pull shoulders away from ears.
  • Hold for three breaths before returning to starting position.

Camel pose-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners

2. Cat-Cow: This beginners morning yoga pose is great for stretching your spine – tension in your neck and shoulders, and open up your chest and hips. Cat-cow for beginners morning yoga is a great opener for the day because it stretches your back, shoulders, and neck.

  • Tuck your tailbone toward your spine, and press your thighs into the floor.
  • Start on all fours with hands flat on the floor in front of you, shoulders back and chest out.
  • Lift your head and tailbone off the floor so that you are in Cow Pose.
  • Arch your back and pull your bellybutton in toward your spine. Hold this pose for two breaths.
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, and lift your torso and legs off the floor. Exhale as you lift, and press your hands to the floor for stability.
  • From this position, press your feet together and lift your torso so that your chest is off the floor and your legs are straight. Hold for two breaths before lowering back down to the starting position.

Cat-Cow-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners

If you’re looking to add some heat to your morning yoga routine, try the intermediate cat-cow yoga pose. It will help you tone your body and increase flexibility.

  • Begin in tabletop position with your hands on the floor next to each other, shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend forward from the waist and place your palms on the floor next to each other, pressing into the floor for support.
  • Keep your back straight and lift your torso and legs off of the ground, placing them in cow pose (or cat pose). Hold for two seconds before returning to tabletop position.

3. Child’s pose: Another beginners morning yoga pose is a  Child’s pose. It’s a great way to relax your entire body and relieve stress. This pose is a great way to ground yourself and calm your mind.

  • Start by lying down on your back with your palms flat on the floor next to your shoulders.
  • Bend your knees and pull your chest and hips off the floor, until only the tips of your toes are touching the ground.
  • Keep your spine elongated and press your pelvis into the ground. Stay here for several breaths, then slowly rise up to standing.
  • Bring both knees in towards your chest, and rest your forehead on them if you need support. If you find this posture too challenging, try resting one knee on top of the other instead.
  • From downward dog, come onto all fours with your hands on the floor next to your shoulders, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Gently press your palms into the ground, lift your head and torso up, and straighten your spine. Stay in this pose for five to 10 breaths before moving onto the next pose.

Child's pose-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners

4. Warrior I: This beginner’s morning yoga pose stretches the front of your body, including the chest and shoulder area.

  • Lean forward from the waist with palms flat on the floor beside you for support.
  • Keep your back straight, feet hip-width apart, and abs engaged throughout the entire pose.
  • From Plank, place your right foot on the inside of your left thigh and extend your left arm forward.
  • Reach behind with your left hand and grab onto your right ankle, pulling yourself into Warrior I. Hold this pose for two breaths.
  • Start in downward dog with your left leg bent at the knee and right ankle on top of the left thigh.
  • Shift your weight to your right leg, extending your left arm overhead as you do so.
  • Keep your core engaged and focus on lifting both legs up towards the ceiling. Hold for 3-5 breaths, then switch legs and repeat.

Warrior I-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners

Warrior 2 pose: From tabletop position, rise up onto left toes, then press palms down into the floor. Dig heels into the ground as you lift a torso off the floor and extend the left arm overhead. Hold for three breaths, then lower back down to starting position.

Warrior 2 pose-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners

5) Downward dog: This beginners morning yoga pose is a great way to start the day off strong. It is a great way to stretch your back and open up your chest. It stretches your spine and opens up your chest, shoulders, and hips. Keep your spine straight, and press your heels into the floor if you need more support.

  • Start by kneeling on all fours with hands resting on your thighs.
  • Lift your head and shoulders off the ground, then slowly lower your torso until your forehead is touching the floor.
  • Keeping your back straight and core engaged, press your palms and heels into the floor for support. Hold this pose for several breaths, then slowly rise back to standing.

Downward Dog-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners


Downward Dog with Arms Extended: This beginners morning yoga pose is a modification of Downward Dog, and offers an extra stretch in the shoulders and arms. Keep your spine straight, and reach your hands toward the floor for a deeper stretch.
If you’re looking to add some heat to your beginners morning yoga routine, try the intermediate pose of downward dog. They’ll help you tone your body and increase flexibility.

Downward Dog with Arms Extended-Best Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners


Wide-Legged Downward Dog: From downward dog, place both feet flat on the floor next to each other and press down into the heels to activate the core muscles. Lift both knees towards your chest and keep your torso upright, extending through the thighs and extending the arms overhead. Hold for two seconds before lowering the legs back to the ground and repeating on the other side.
These are five beginner morning yoga poses that are gentle and will help you start your day off right. If you’re new to yoga or just starting out, these poses are perfect for you.

The post-yoga relaxation routine

After a yoga class, after doing beginners morning yoga poses, it can be tempting to just lie in bed for a few minutes to relax. But if you want to achieve the best post-yoga relaxation, here is a routine that will help!

  1. Take a few deep breaths and let them out slowly.
  2. Close your eyes and take some long, slow breaths again.
  3. Scan your body from top to bottom, paying special attention to any areas that feel especially tense or sore.
  4. When you’re done, release any tension you found in those specific areas by focusing on your breath again.
  5. Now imagine all the stress and tension melting away from your body. Let it go!
  6. When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes and start getting ready for the day.

Remember: This routine is just a starting point – experiment with different poses and breathing techniques to find what works best for you!


All the above-listed beginners morning yoga pose will help awaken your body and mind while promoting relaxation and stress relief. Start your day with these poses and let them lead you into a more peaceful, productive day.

If you’re looking for an effective way to start your day, beginner’s morning yoga may be the perfect solution.

Depending on your level of flexibility, some beginners morning yoga poses in this guide can be modified or adapted to fit your needs and preferences.

Whether you’re a new yogi or just want to add some calming stretches before getting started with your day, these beginners morning yoga poses are sure to help you feel refreshed and energized.

If you’re new to morning yoga, we’ve got some of the best poses for beginners that will get your body moving and help youstart your day off on the right foot. From relaxation poses to energizing sun salutations, these poses will work all over your body and prepare it for the day ahead. Give them a try this morning and see how they make you feel!

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